MPX Coin

Mint Power (MPX):

  • Governance coin

  • A unit of computing power required to mine XFI coins through staking

  • A tool for fee payment for using Cosmos-based services

MPX is a unit of computing power in the CrossFi Chain required to generate new XFI coins on the network. It is also a means of paying transaction fees in the Cosmos part of the blockchain.

The strength of your vote when voting on updating the network directly depends on how many MPX coins you have in your stake.

Distribution of funds from the implementation of MPX

All funds coming from the MPX implementation have the following distribution:


APR is an annual interest rate that is calculated to measure the yield of MPX coin staking, excluding compound interest. APR has a dynamic value that can change at any time. APR directly depends on the XFI coin rate, the total MPX stake in the network and is calculated using the following formula:



  • B - number of blocks per year (6,307,200)

  • E - XFI emission per block (5), changes every 4 years according to the emission algorithm.

  • MP - MPX rate (0.02$)


  • XP - XFI rate ($)

  • M - total MPX stake in the network

Since the stake is in MPX and the rewards come in XFI, the interest rate is calculated in $ to MPX.


  • XP = $1.59

  • M = 10 000 000 000 MPX

With these rates, the APR is 25%. A stake of 50,000 MPX ( $1,000 ) will yield 148 XFIs for the year. Their value will be $250 (12,500 MPX).

MPX emission model

The initial issue of MPX was 4,000,000,000.

Last updated