Multi-Currency Card Management


The CrossFi App's multi-currency card management feature is designed for users who engage in transactions across different currencies. This feature addresses the needs of global travellers, international business people, and anyone dealing with multiple currencies in their daily transactions.

Key Functionalities

  • Multiple Currencies on a Single Card: Users can manage and use multiple currencies within a single card. This eliminates the need for carrying multiple cards or dealing with currency conversion fees for each transaction.

  • Easy Currency Switching: The app allows users to easily switch the linked currency on their card, providing flexibility and control over which currency to use for transactions.

Customizable Settings

  • Individual Card Settings: Each card can be customized to link to a specific currency, allowing users to plan and allocate funds based on their spending habits or travel needs.

  • Real-Time Currency Conversion: The app provides real-time currency conversion rates, ensuring users get the best possible rate during their transactions.

User Benefits

  • Convenience for Travelers: Travelers can effortlessly switch between currencies, avoiding the hassle of currency exchanges or carrying cash in multiple denominations.

  • Financial Management: Users can better manage their finances by allocating different currencies to different cards, aiding in budgeting and financial planning.

  • Risk Reduction: Easy exposure to multiple currencies allows users to spread their holding across multiple currencies, reducing risk when

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