Partner Workshop: Bware Labs

Partner Workshop: Bware Labs

A Guide to Blast for Web3 Builders: Embracing Decentralized Infrastructure

As the blockchain landscape is growing, we’ve seen first-hand how important decentralization infrastructure is for Web3. With censorship, centralized decision-making, and non-transparent finances, crypto has been getting a bad name in recent years. We cannot forget the roots of blockchain philosophy – decentralization not only promotes security, trust, and transparency, but it also helps to ensure the resilience and robustness of applications.

At Bware, we are bringing decentralized infrastructure to Web3 developers. We aim to make it easy and familiar for developers to build applications that are decentralized from the bottom-up. In this article, we’ll introduce you to Blast – decentralized node infrastructure, a developer API, and an SDK that enables developers to build scalable, seamless, and decentralized dApps on 22 blockchain networks.

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