
About Bware Labs

Connecting your dApp to CrossFi using Blast

Alex Gheorghe, Head of Growth at Bware Labs, will walk you through the tools and services that can help you throughout the CrossFi Hackathon, and allow you to easily connect and deploy your dApp to CrossFi chain using Bware Labs’ dePin protocol, Blast.


Blast, by Bware Labs, is a dePin protocol leveraging hundreds of third-party blockchain nodes to provide one of the highest availability and fastest RPC services for builders on 42 different blockchains (

By leveraging an advanced smart routing system (SOR) and proprietary cloud architecture, Blast offers seamless access to multiple blockchain networks, ensuring high-performance, reliable, and affordable blockchain APIs to all Web3 developers. With more than 4 years of expertise in blockchain technology, Blast's engineering team boasts a proven track record of success.

Over the years, the platform grew constantly, amassing now a significant portfolio of blockhain infrastructure and development tools that are genuinely influencing the industry.

Moreover, the platform facilitates card, stable-coin crypto payments and allows Metamask registration, granting users access to dedicated API endpoints in just a couple of clicks. For increased convenience and ease of use, Blast offers Public APIs for all its supported networks.

Under the Bware Labs umbrella, several other innovative products and services enhance the blockchain ecosystem. GovScan is a comprehensive governance tool that facilitates transparent and efficient blockchain governance. Our suite also includes professional staking services, indexing services, node snapshots, and faucets, all designed to support and accelerate blockchain development and adoption.

For a fast guide to all Bware Labs’ infrastructure tools and services, check out this video:

Please remove the About Blast and about Bware Labs sections, if possible. They are unnecessary.

Blast Introduction

Why choose Blast as your main infrastructure provider for CrossFi

Replace first two paragraphs with:

Blast is a dePin protocol leveraging hundreds of third-party blockchain nodes to provide one of the highest availability and fastest RPC services for builders on 38 different blockchains. Created by Bware Labs, one of the key players in the blockchain infrastructure space, the protocol provides robust solutions to Web3 infrastructure issues related to reliability and latency.

Third paragraph- please add that users can also connect via email

[...]. Platform users are able to easily generate an API endpoint (RPC/WSS/REST) in just a couple of easy steps, after registering with their MetaMask account, WalletConnect or email.

Can we please add one more section where we tell people to connect to one of our colleagues if they need Blast credits during the hackathon?

Last updated