Breaking DeFi Barriers with Blast

Leveraging the unique features of Cross Finance, which blends aspects of traditional finance and decentralized technologies, Blast supports CrossFi builders by offering infrastructure and dev tools.The infrastructure and dev tools supported by Blast include public and dedicated APIs for CrossFi testnet, while Bware Labs offers easy access to the most recent chain snapshots.This integration allows developers to create scalable, efficient, and innovative DeFi apps.

Cosmos and EVM Integration

Cosmos and EVM are the integral parts of CrossFi Chain. Cosmos is in charge of consensus, block production, transactions and new coin issuance. EVM is in charge of on smart contract interactions and the launch of dApps.


Ethermint ensures full EVM compliance within the CrossFi Chain, while, Evmos acts as the bridge that facilitate transactions between the chain and other EVM-compatible networks.

Scaling Opportunities

CrossFi Chain is built on Tendermint Core, which makes it secure, fraud-resistant, allows high throughput, all of these features enabling unlimited scaling opportunities.

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