Discord faucet
To be able to use this faucet, you have to join our official Discord server here: https://discord.gg/crossfi Now you have to go through the verification process. For that you should expand all the channels in the “WELCOME TO CROSSFI” section, and choose the “#verify” channel.
Press the “Verification” button.
Enter the specified code and press “Submit”.
Congratulations! You’re now a verified user.
In order to claim the coins, you have to go to the main panel, https://testpad.xfi.foundation/. Copy your Cosmos address, with the following format : “mx1.…”, and press the “Discord” button in the Faucet section.
Log in with the Discord account:
Choose the XFI coin, paste the Cosmos address you copied before, and press the “Send me” button.
Choose the MPX coin, paste the Cosmos address you copied before, and press the “Send me” button.
You can claim 25 MPX and 2.5 XFI once in every 24 hours.
Last updated