FAQ Public Testnet

How do I register and participate in the Testnet for users?

Go to the XFI Pad platform: https://testpad.xfi.foundation/

Follow the instructions provided in the guide: XFI PAD

Familiarize yourself with the key criteria of the Public Testnet: https://crossfi.org/how-to-join-public-crossfi-chain-testnet/

Why can the XFI Console be trusted?

To interact with the Cosmos blockchain, a set of packages called @cosmjs is used (https://github.com/cosmos/cosmjs).

To interact with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) part, the ethers.js library is used (https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js).

The seed phrase entered by the user is stored in the local storage of the application (Redux) and also in the local storage, ensuring that there is no need to re-enter it after page reload.

In the local storage, the phrase is stored in an encrypted form using the aes-256 algorithm, and the secret key of the algorithm is stored in environment variables for the project.

The user's seed phrase is not used anywhere else, it is not passed as arguments or parameters to any external services.

To verify this, you can check the Network tab in the browser.

What is a faucet and how to use it?

A faucet is a tool in XFI Pad that allows users to receive test coins for completing tasks on the Testnet. You can use the faucet once every 24 hours to receive the test coins : 100 MPX and 10 XFI. You can check the receipt of test coins on XFI Pad, in the test Console, or on the Testnet Scan.

What is XFT?

XFT, or CrossFinance Foundation Token, is a token that is distributed to users for completing tasks on the Testnet as a reward.

Where can I get Foundation tokens (XFT)?

XFT tokens are distributed for completing Testnet tasks.

How do I Send MPX or XFI to the Cosmos part of the console?

To complete this task, you need to go to the Test Console. Access the Test Console using MetaMask seed phrase (read more about why and how to do this here). You will see the field where you can send coins. You need to transfer any amount of MPX or XFI to any Cosmos wallet (for example, your friend's wallet or someone else's). After completing the transaction, copy the hash and paste it into the task confirmation field on XFI Pad.

How to exchange XFT for test XFI?

*This option is coming soon.

XFT is necessary to exchange it for additional test coins of XFI. Test coins of XFI can be exchanged for test coins of MPX. This allows the user to engage in more activities during the Testnet, thereby increasing their chances of receiving a grant in the mainnet.

How much MPX or XFI do I need to send to complete the first task on the Testnet?

To complete this task, you can send any amount of MPX and XFI above 0. As proof of completion, send the transaction hash, which you can obtain from the Console.

Which coin is the fee paid in?

The fee can be paid in both test coins - XFI and MPX. When making a transaction in the Console, you need to select your preferred method of fee payment. The fee amount is calculated automatically.

What is Multisend and how does it work?

In this task, you need to send XFI or MPX coins to different addresses in a single transaction. To do this, enter the first address, specify the amount of coins, and then click "Add a recipient."

In the opened field, enter another address and the amount of coins. Then click the "Send" button.

You can add multiple different addresses.

How to complete the Multisend 2 task?

To complete this task, the user needs to send XFI coins to one address and MPX coins to another address in a single transaction. After completing the transaction, provide the hash in the task to confirm its completion.

Which validator should I choose for delegating MPX?

The user can choose any validator they prefer and delegate any amount of MPX (any amount above 0).

What to do next after completing all the tasks?

Tasks in the Testnet are updated daily. Users need to complete them every day and demonstrate their activity to increase their chances of receiving rewards during the mainnet.

Why does the Console close automatically and require re-login?

By default, the Console is set to automatically close after 15 minutes. To change this setting, you need to go to the Console settings (click on the gear icon) and set the value to 0 in the "Auto-lock timer (minutes)" field, then click “Save”:

I'm a validator. What is my role in the Public Testnet?

As validators, you play a crucial role in ensuring the success of this initiative by inviting and guiding users through the testnet process. Your expertise and support are vital in helping users understand the platform, navigate the testnet environment, and contribute to the development of the ecosystem.

Read more here: https://crossfi.org/3-key-steps-validators-should-take-during-the-user-initiative/

Is there a leaderboard for the users?

No, the Testnet does not have a leaderboard for users. The key goal for each user is to check the tasks daily and complete them. By doing so, they increase their chances of receiving rewards in the mainnet.

I completed all the tasks but did not receive XFT tokens. Why?

If you haven't received XFT tokens for completing the tasks, don't worry, they will come soon. Some operations may take longer because it is a Testnet. We are testing and improving the network thanks to your participation.

What is the XFT token address?

XFT smart contract: 0xDb5C548684221Ce2f55F16456Ec5Cf43a028D8e9

When do the tasks reset?

The tasks reset In 24 hours after completing.

Last updated