Workshop FAQs


1. Why should I attend the pre-hackathon workshops?

Attending the pre-hackathon workshops gives you access to new tools and insights from our partners and the CrossFi team. You'll learn how to leverage these tools to build innovative products on the CrossFi chain, enhancing your skills and increasing your chances of success in the hackathon.

2. What if I can't make it to a workshop?

If you can't attend a workshop live, don't worry! All workshops will be recorded and made available afterwards. You can watch the recordings at your convenience to catch up on any content you missed.

3. Where can I access the documentation and workshop recordings?

All documentation and workshop recordings will be available on our Gitbook. You can access them here: CrossFi Gitbook.

4. Can I meet future hackathon team members at these workshops?

Yes, absolutely! The workshops are a great opportunity to start networking with other developers and potential team members. We encourage you to start planning team formation early to maximize your hackathon experience.

5. Where are the workshops held?

The workshops will be held on Discord. Make sure you join our Discord server to participate in the live sessions and engage with other community members.

6. Do I need any prior knowledge to attend the workshops?

While some basic understanding of blockchain technology and smart contracts can be helpful, our workshops are designed to cater to both beginners and experienced developers. Each session will provide the necessary context and guidance to help you follow along.

7. How long are the workshops?

Each workshop will typically last around 30-60minutes, including time for Q&A sessions where you can ask questions and get direct support from the presenters.

8. Will there be opportunities to interact with the presenters?

Yes, each workshop includes a Q&A session where you can ask questions and interact with the presenters. Additionally, you can engage with them and other participants on Discord throughout the hackathon period.

9. How can I stay updated on upcoming workshops and hackathon details?

Stay tuned to our official channels, including our website, Discord server, and social media accounts, for announcements and updates on upcoming workshops and hackathon details.

10. Are there any costs associated with attending the workshops?

No, all our pre-hackathon workshops are free to attend. We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn and participate.

11. Can I suggest topics for future workshops or host a workshop myself?

Yes, we welcome suggestions! If you have ideas for topics you'd like to see covered in future workshops or you have created tools specifically for CrossFi Chain and would like to present your own workshop, please let us know on our contact form or by emailing us at

Last updated