Block Explorer

The Block Explorer provides real-time visibility into transactions, blocks, and wallet addresses, facilitating easy tracking and analysis. Ideal for developers and users alike, this product integrates seamlessly with various blockchain platforms, offering detailed analytics and a user-friendly interface to navigate the complexities of blockchain data.

The block explorer has slightly expanded tool set including other’s ecosystem tools.

Basic features are similar to well known explorer’s services such as block (1), transaction(2), or chain (3) info.

Top ERC-20 top tokens (1) and ERC-20 top tokens txs (2) (tba)

With Developers Console (1) you get the access to our data API. On verification page(2) you can 
verify any network related contract. In a warehouse (3) you can play with a data making queries
and building dashboards, as it is briefly described on a dedicated.

Contract Verification

Contract verification on XFI Chain is streamlined through the integration with Sourcify, an open registry for verified contract source code. This ensures transparency and trust in the smart contracts deployed on the XFI Chain, providing developers and users with easy access to the verified source code and related metadata.

How to Verify Your Contract

  1. Prepare Your Source Code: Ensure your smart contract source code and related metadata (e.g., compiler settings) are ready for verification.

  2. Submit to Sourcify: There are two ways to submit your contract for verification:

  3. Verification Process: Sourcify will match the submitted source code with the on-chain bytecode. If they match, the contract is successfully verified.

  4. Access via XFI Block Explorer: Once verified, your contract's source code and metadata will be accessible through the XFI Chain block explorer, providing transparency and trust to users.

Example Verification

To verify a contract, you can use the following example command:

shellCopy codecurl -X POST -F "contract=@path/to/contract.sol" -F "metadata=@path/to/metadata.json"

Replace path/to/contract.sol and path/to/metadata.json with the actual paths to your contract and metadata files.

Verification Support

For any questions or support regarding contract verification, join our Developer Community on Discord or refer to the Sourcify Documentation.

Finally on a you can get vibrant dashboards with aggregated data from dexs statistics. So as gas tracker (2), and dashboards made at and published from our warehouse.

In summary, the XFI Chain block explorer offers developers several key benefits:

  1. Integrated Contract Verification: Utilizing Sourcify, the block explorer simplifies the process of verifying smart contracts.

  2. Enhanced Transparency and Security: Ensures that contract code matches the deployed bytecode, fostering trust and reducing risks.

  3. Easy Submission: Provides two submission methods for contract verification—via the embedded interface or the Sourcify portal.

  4. Access to Verified Source Code: Verified contracts are easily accessible, promoting interoperability within the XFI ecosystem.

  5. Developer Community Support: Join our community to receive support and collaborate with fellow developers.

Leverage these features to build more reliable and trustworthy applications on the XFI Chain.

Last updated